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Our Customer Contact and Front-Line Talent teams will be at the Call & Contact Centre Expo on 27th and 28th March 2019.

Taking place at Excel London, the Expo is Europe’s leading call and contact centre event, showcasing the latest and most effective technologies, strategies and advancements to industry professionals who are looking to excel in the customer engagement world.

MERJE will be exhibiting at Stand 948 and will be ready to discuss any aspect of recruitment, from how to get the best talent to join your team, to how to optimise a CV. We’ll also be giving away a bottle of champagne!

Register for tickets for free

You can register for tickets to the Call & Contact Centre Expo for FREEhere. Once registered you will also receive your Show Guide which will give you details on this year’s line-up of 150 speakers, 350 exhibitors and full show highlights.

Grab your ticket now, and we look forward to seeing you at Stand 948!

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