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The current challenges facing the Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) sector were under the spotlight at the Anti-Bribery & Corruption Forum that took place in London on the 17th and 18th October 2019.

Bringing together nearly 200 Anti-Bribery & Corruption and Financial Crime professionals, the two-day event covered the latest market trends and technology, as well as best practices and new approaches to mitigate ABC. Topics included how Brexit will impact ABC procedures, the future of AI in ABC investigations, the importance of consistency in culture and governance values and whistle-blower protection.

A key message that trended throughout was the need for investment in tackling Anti-Bribery & Corruption, not only against the committer but also in tackling the receiver. With the receiver being targeted, it will also help reduce illicit funds being laundered. Another important point was the need for information sharing between organisations and the importance of events such as the ABC Forum in aiding this.

Do Financial Crime andProfessional Ethics functions need to focus more on ABC? Only time will tell.

Thank you to the AMLP Forum for organising a very interesting and informative event. It was a great opportunity to understand the latest trends, meet up with new and familiar faces and discuss the Financial Crime recruitment market with delegates.

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