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Black History Month: Get involved

  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago
  • Author:by MERJE

​Black History Month aims to raise awareness of and draw attention to the major part people from African and Caribbean backgrounds have played in British history.

Individuals and organisations rally throughout the month to recognise the contribution and achievements of those with African or Caribbean heritage. It is also a great opportunity for learning as many important topics are highlighted and people share individual stories and speak about the vast richness of diversity that black and brown people bring to the UK.

This year’s theme is “Proud to Be”, which Black History Month UK magazine says is “inspired by the 2020 Black Lives Matter events”.

There are many ways for employers and companies to get involved and stand in solidarity with their diverse employees, such as:

  • Bring in speakers who can share their experiences and knowledge about particular topics

  • Plan volunteering days for your team to get more actively involved in important causes

  • Donate to or hold fundraising events for organisations and charities

  • Actively embrace, celebrate and take pride in the different cultures and backgrounds of employees

  • Encourage company-wide enthusiasm for and participation in recognition events like Black History Month

  • Recognise opportunities for growth and improvement in your organisation, whether that’s educating your employees, reviewing your diversity and inclusion policies or something else

It is important to recognise that, while celebrating and taking in part in activism events such as Black History Month is celebrated, it is vital that your diverse employees feel recognised, valued and respected all year round. You can do any and all of these activities at any time of year, not just during Black History Month!

We will use this time to educate and listen to our teams, as well as reflecting on the part we play in supporting diversity in the UK and exploring what further steps we can take.

As our MERJE Together pledge says, we are committed to taking tangible action to empower every individual to thrive and perform to the best of their ability in their working environment.