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​Why we’re proud to be a good business

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago
  • Author:by MERJE

In today’s commercial climate, which is fraught with sustainability, diversity and ethical issues to name a few, having a good business model is about more than booming profit margins and record revenue streams.

It’s about giving back, adding value to society and having a positive impact on the world, whether that is through devising ESG frameworks, creating a cohesive D&I pledge or cultivating a commitment to CSR.

That’s why, at MERJE, we’re taking steps in the right direction so that we can evolve as a business that endeavours to do good across all of the areas which we operate within. Here, you can find out all about our latest efforts, credentials and achievements.

We’re Good Business Charter (GBC) accredited

The GBC is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which is supported by the CBI and TUC and brings considerable expertise from leading figures from the world of commerce. The GBC itself is an accreditation which encourages and recognises responsible business practices and publicly acknowledges the UK organisations who take pride in following them.

By becoming GBC accredited, we’re demonstrating our commitment to a range of important issues. As a result, we’re being held accountable for our obligations to 10 vital business operation components. They include paying a living wage, fairer hours, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, acting with our environmental impact in mind, paying fair tax and being open to feedback and opportunities to improve our business.

Being part of the GBC demonstrates a clear message to our current and potential clients and candidates that we go above and beyond to operate responsibly and treat our staff with respect and fairness. With this accreditation, we’re confident that we’re part of a bigger movement to change business for the better.

We’re a Disability Confident committed employer

Disability Confident is a government scheme designed to encourage employers to improve how they attract, recruit, retain and train disabled people and those with health conditions.

Becoming a Disability Confident employer adds further effort to MERJE being part of driving forwards a movement for change. We believe that it can help to remove barriers, increase understanding and ensure that disabled people have every opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Being Disability Confident provides us with a vital opportunity to lead the way in our community and across our large network. It also sends out a clear message to our clients, candidates and other businesses that we’re committed to upholding equality in the workplace.

We’re a Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS) registered supplier

As part of our ongoing commitment to our Financial Services clients, we have been accredited by Hellios as an FSQS registered supplier.

FSQS is a community of financial institutions, including banks, building societies, insurance companies and investment services, which collaborates to agree on a single standard for managing the increasing complexity of third and fourth-party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, policies and governance controls.

The FSQS accreditation indicates a successful audit process and demonstrates a supplier's compliance with a standardised methodology which allows FSQS Buyer organisations to access our information from within a central system.

FSQS is designed to make the process of pre-qualification as efficient as possible, saving us a significant amount of time, effort and costs associated with working for multiple clients.

Being FSQS accredited essentially takes away the need to complete and update due diligence on new and existing suppliers and partners, as every business will have already completed this as part of their FSQS accreditation.

Our qualification within this system gives our partners an enhanced level of reassurance, while opening the door for us to work with other leading Financial Services organisations. It also demonstrates our commitment to excellence in all areas of compliance, as well as providing further proof that we’re a trusted name.

Read more here.

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